Feb. 20, 2024

How To Budget For Beginners

How To Budget For Beginners

#72: Allison Baggerly, founder of Inspired Budget, and author of the book ‘Money Made Easy’, is dedicated to inspiring women to confidently manage their finances. This episode is great for those (singles as well as couples) who want to learn more about budgeting and how you can pay off debt. It’s completely beginner-friendly and covers:  

•⁠ ⁠What a budget is 

•⁠ ⁠The step-by-step plan to start budgeting

•⁠ ⁠The Budget Surprise 

•⁠ ⁠How to get out of debt

And MUCH more!

Get Allison’s book ‘Money Made Easy’ here: https://erika.com/money-made-easy 

Special thanks to our partners & sponsors:

Here is the link to join my course Magic Budgeting System - take control of your future and transform your money habits. https://erika.com/magic-budgeting-system

After knowing how to budget, it's perfect to know how to invest your money with Jeremy Schneider. We recommend to watch this episode for better understanding. Listen or watch here: https://erika.com/jeremy-schneider

I’m running a free “Save $1,000 Challenge” to teach you creative strategies to save money. It’s 5 days long and starts on Monday. Grab your free spot here: https://Erika.com/go

Thanks for tuning in and come back every Tuesday for a brand-new episode! Make sure you hit the follow button to get notified. 

Prefer video or want closed captions? Watch the episode on YouTube here:  https://youtu.be/OB1J_TBhFAs 

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