#68: Rachel Rodgers, CEO of Hello Seven and author of the bestselling book 'WE SHOULD ALL BE MILLIONAIRES', is my guest in today’s episode. Rachel helps people build wealth and teaches them how to make the right financial decisions.
You’ll also learn:
Special thanks to our partners & sponsors:
Get Rachel’s book: We Should All Be Millionaires here: https://erika.com/rachel-rodgers/we-should-all-be-millionaires
If you want to know other ways to becoming a millionaire, then listen to Timo Armoo's episode about The 4 Simple Steps to Becoming a Multi-Millionaire here: https://erika.com/timo-armoo
I’m running a free “Save $1,000 Challenge” to teach you creative strategies to save money. It’s 5 days long and starts on Monday. Grab your free spot here: https://Erika.com/go
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